EXCLUSIVE For Sugardaddie Members: Thursday (4/16) at 8p EST (FREE LIVE Q&A)

Are you tired of Googling your Sugar Daddy questions and IG stalking other Sugar Baby’s?

You might be keeping this lifestyle on the hush-hush. Get answers to the burning Sugar Daddy questions you can’t just Google (or even ask your BFF). Ask us anything.

Thursday (4/16) at 8p EST, Join us!

If you’re looking for answers to
questions like…

  • What do Sugar Daddies want in a Sugar Baby? Ask.
  • How should I present myself? Ask.
  • Wondering what you should ask for? Ask.
  • How do I ask for what I want? Ask.
  • How do I get him to provide? Ask.
  • Wondering how to best leverage Sugardaddie.com? Ask.

If you want help. YOU NEED TO BE HERE!

We’re Helping Sugar Babies Find Solutions With Strategies That Work.

You’ll hear Sugar Babies just like you call in and discuss the issues they’re facing.

In other words: Whatever’s hard for you — whether it’s finding a Sugar Daddy or how to set the foundation to your special relationship or getting him to generously provide (and more of it). Someone else is trying to figure out the same thing. We’d love for you to attend live and join the conversation. If you can't, you can submit your questions after you register and we’ll get to as many questions as we can plus access to the replay.


A Personal Invitation From Taylor, Founder of the Sugar Daddy Formula

The LIVE Q&A is one of the perks of the SUBE Society. It was created just for Sugars like you; the Sugar Baby who wants solutions #realtalk. You’ll walk away with your questions answered, newfound wisdom, and your fears conquered while in a supportive safe space alongside like-minded women.

Even if you don’t ask a question, you can benefit from hearing the answers to others (PRICELESS). I am in a position to give you the UNFAIR advantage you need, by giving you insights about how wealthy men think and why. I took hundreds of women who were frustrated and close to giving up to being part of the Elite Sugar Baby Club that enjoys the good part of this lifestyle. I want to do the same for you.