
A Sugar Daddy hasn’t logged in but you are interested

Don’t discount profiles that shows a Sugar Daddy who hasn’t logged in.

Send the script below for when the Sugar Daddy who has caught your eye that you are interested in hasn’t logged in for a while, and when they log back in they’ll have a message, and it’ll be yours.

You got options for different messages to pick from if the site you are on can add a subject.

Subject: Gone missing?

Subject: How did this happen…

Subject: Let’s not miss a chance encounter

Subject: Did you miss me?

How did we miss each other? I see you haven’t been on the site in a while then. I just joined not too long ago and haven’t found the relationship I was looking for. I was intrigued by your profile and didn’t want to miss an opportunity if you log in. If by chance I’m no longer on the site and you want to see where a conversation can lead us, please {insert your email address}

{insert your name}