Find Your Ideal Sugar Daddy Fast
And Scale Up, Infinitely


  • What if instead of navigating this lifestyle piece-by-piece via fragmented research…you had direct access to a network that specialized in Sugar Baby success?
  • What if instead of running headfirst into common mistakes…you learned what to do (and what to avoid) straight from Sugars who have been there?
  • What if instead of Sugar Imposter Syndrome, you had the confidence, know-how and toolkit to #own your lifestyle goals?
  • What if instead of tiptoeing around your terms…you conveyed your worth with ease?
  • What if instead of Insta stalking other Sugar Baby’s…you began embracing your own superpowers?


  • You only want the Sugar Daddy’s right for you (the ones that combine support, enjoyment, and opportunity).
  • You desire financial security and the kind of life that gets better and better.
  • You realize that once you figure out HOW to land your Sugar Daddy or HOW to scale up, you will be building the lifestyle you love, and then some.

Top Sugars Don’t Play For Small
Potatoes. Level Up With Us.

Welcome to…

The SUBE Society

The SUBE Society

Sugars United through Beneficial Encounters (SUBE) is a private community of women where Sugars receive top level support and mentorship for their relationship pursuits at every level 24/7…so you can attract the Sugar Daddy of your dreams, fast.

And scale up your success, Infinitely.

We help you Sugar Smarter

  • SUBE exists because we recognize most women spend more time getting stuck than taking proactive steps towards their Sugar Baby success.
  • We get it. You thought you had to keep everything secret. You thought you couldn’t ask for help and had to figure everything out alone.
  • But you do not have to do it alone, nor should you. Time is money! Learning (painfully and slowly) through personal mistakes is the #1 Time waster for Sugar Baby’s.
  • With SUBE, you get the ultimate resource at your fingertips as well as a supportive network to keep you on track.


I love the SUBE Society because Taylor is actually a part of it. This isn’t just some group where we’ve been left to fend for ourselves. When you have an issue, Taylor is like Superwoman. It’s like she always finds a way to make a situation work. This group makes me feel safe to ask for help when I need it and I’m not judged for dating the type of men that I want. I feel less lonely and I followed Taylor’s advice on getting what I want and it worked!


Sugar Guarantee

Meet Our Founder

Hi, my name is Taylor, and I had to learn the hard way how to make this lifestyle work.

It wasn’t easy figuring everything out solo. I made mistakes that set me back and wasted a lot of time. I wrote the wrong intro on my profile. I wore the wrong thing on my dates. And I was way too aggressive in asking for an allowance.

This was so frustrating because I had expected easy success. I was smart, attractive, and generally had a knack for getting my way.

But I ran into unexpected difficulty constantly. The Sugar learning curve is steep and climbing it alone was super isolating! While wishing I had a bestie to confide in, I kept my struggles to myself.

I realize now that was the major problem. A solution may have been right in front of my eyes, but I was too stuck in my head. Little frustrations became monster problems with no support system.

Now I run an entire network of support (The SUBE Society).

After finding massive success as a Sugar Baby, I reviewed my process and built this literal Sugar empire to help others arrive at Sugar success quickly.

And It feels good to empower others. It feels good to build connection and create a community where we celebrate our hard work, our lifestyle decisions.

I am grateful because I get to witness the benefits of this network every. single. day.

Connecting in a safe and supportive place, our members get better at setting boundaries. Better at communicating their needs. Better at activating the lifestyle they deserve.

The community, support and connection provided by SUBE gives women the confidence they need to #own their Sugar Baby powers.

With the SUBE Society, you will be guided forward—Confidently, as a Sugar in control.

Quickly Approaching Upgrade!
Here’s what your life is about to look like:


  • You get your questions answered, eliminate guesswork, and receive immediate advice - success ensured - with SUBE’s Private Forum (24/7 access).
  • You talk out any issues you might have and get expert answers in real time with Monthly LIVE Q&A Sessions.
  • You learn from the best (what she did and how she did it) with SUBE’s monthly “How She Did it Member Spotlights!”
  • You are more confident, connected, and in control because you have a wise Sugar Baby mentor (Taylor B. Jones) and other Sugars whispering in your ear.


  • You go from “How do I attract a Sugar Daddy?!” to having a Sugar Daddy generously provide" with the help of a wellspring of expertise and mentorship, guiding you every step of the way.
  • Your dating profile is always shining at full light because you attend SUBE's Monthly Profile Teardowns.
  • You are doing great in all things related to your relationships and know how to leverage each successful milestone into something bigger.
  • You celebrate your wins and learn from the success of your Sugar Sister community.

Content Curated for Your Enrichment

Every month, we facilitate conversations and events around a central theme.

Here’s what we have lined up for the next 3 months:

June: Sugar Baby Wealthy Mindset: How to Change Your Relationship with Money.

July: Fulfilling the Void: How to identify your Sugar Daddy’s deepest desire (and why this pays off).

August: The Soft Touch: Psychologically powerful formulas for getting what you want.

Level Up with the SUBE Society

sube Society

Sugars United through Beneficial Encounters (SUBE) is a forum-based membership that offers the tools, resources, and avenue of support you will need to be a successful Sugar Baby.

Operating with the belief that support equals success, SUBE is a collaborative network that encourages your participation. Your unique voice and contributions are welcomed here.

Upon joining, you will have instant access to SUBE's private forum, mobile app, support forum, and exclusive monthly events.



The SUBE Society is like hanging out with your BFF’s where you can be yourself with no judging. The conversations we have gets to the heart of things and you can say what you want to say without censoring it… this can be so lonely, and it feels good to be around other women who are invested in themselves like I am.




Joining the SUBE Society has been one of the best things I’ve done. The sisterhood is much more than a community of women supporting each other. I have met women in person from it and have formed friendships that I know will last for years to come (we even freestyle together). The encouragement all wrapped together with the guidance of Taylor, is worth it!




I just love being a part of a diverse group of women with similar goals. There’s such a range of ages and you feel as though you belong no matter how old and at what stage you are. I’ve often felt out of place with using Instagram trying to connect with others, and trying to use Facebook was out of the question as I wanted to keep this part of my life private. I’m so grateful for the SUBE Society.



Ready to Attract your Sugar Daddy Fast
and have him generously provide?

Here’s What You Get When You Join

The SUBE Society

SATISFACTION GARANTEED: That’s why we adhere to a 14-day refund policy. You’ll have two weeks to decide if SUBE is the community for you.

Get started now with the best support option to meet your goals.

Sugar Baby


Hit the Ground Running


Billed as $27/month.

Downloadable App (help right from your phone)

Post your questions + woes 24/7...and get helpful answers & support to eliminate the guesswork receiving immediate, easy-to-implement advice to ensure your success.

Will Read For Sugar, SUBE Book Club facilitated quarterly by Taylor so you can upkeep your expertise on wealth, dating and relationships. Sugar Sister accountability included. ($49 Value).

Complimentary profile in Taylor’s Elite Sugar Daddy Clientele Matchbook (Big Matchmaking potential).

Exclusive Invites to in-person events so you can hang with your fave sisters in real life. ($49 Value).

*14 Day refund policy

BONUS: Fast Track to Sugar 3-Day Bootcamp | Starts June 30 – July 2, each session is 30mins via Zoom followed by Q&A: DAY 1 (Mindset & Strategy), DAY 2 (The Profile Teardown), DAY 3(Setting the Foundation to the Arrangement)($97 Value).

* Cancel anytime #lifehappens (we will always welcome you back with open arms)

Sugar Baby


Take it to the Next Level

$11.75 / wk

Billed as $47/month.

Includes everything in Sugar Baby Jumpstart.


NEW Trainings every month so you are always up to date on the latest tactics ($47 Value | June Training: Sugar Baby Wealth Mindset: How to Evolve Your Relationship with Money).

Monthly LIVE Q&A Sessions: Get expert answers in real time. ($147 Value).

Look Over Taylor's Shoulder and go behind the scenes. See how others approached their sugaring with success.

Sugar Daddy Mentorship & Business Opportunities to pitch your business and potentially get funded by generous investors.

Get matched up with an Accountability Partner who is at a similar level to you, and LEVEL UP, together! Want a Bestie for support, travel, & networking? Get connected. (PRICELESS).


You are protected by Taylor’s No-Sugar-Baby Left Behind 90-Day Sugar Assistance Insurance

If you show up, ASK questions, implement what we share, and you don’t get better results after 90 days, you can take advantage of a free one-on-one Sugar Audit Strategy Session with Taylor (Value $297). Taylor will go over your approach and get you back on track.

14 day Risk Free Sugar Guarantee

We’re currently offering a no-risk, 14-day trial to make sure you get the support you’re looking for.

Give it a shot at no risk to you. We know The SUBE Society is full of helpful ideas, top-notch support, and fellow Sugars who want to see you succeed––but we don’t blame you for being skeptical. Join today and, if you don’t love it, you’ll have two weeks to cancel membership free of charge with a refund.

JOIN SUBE’S IMPRESSIVE LEGACY: Will this level of support help you? Will it shorten your learning curve and provide the confidence that you need to get what you want? It has for hundreds of other women - just like you.


The SUBE Society isn’t for everyone, but it might be exactly what you’re looking for.

If you are interested in dating elite men, or if you are currently benefiting from your personal relationships, then yes! This is for you.

You are a perfect fit for our community - and will get the most by joining us - if you’ve already taken some steps towards the Sugar lifestyle (you’re actively looking for a Sugar Daddy and/or scaling up your success).

However, if you are still on the fence about being a Sugar Baby in the first place…we’re not a good fit. But we’ll welcome you when you’re ready!

Is the SUBE Society only for Newbies?

This is for women at all levels – Whether you’re just getting started or have been living the lifestyle for a while, there’s plenty of support for you inside. The SUBE Society is about simplifying process, navigating challenge, and getting RESULTS at every stage.

Discretion is a priority for us as well! You will be identified by a username inside the community and the community will only have access to the information you choose to share. Purchase details on your credit card will be noted as R&D Global, Inc. Your information will never be shared with a third party as stated in the privacy notice.

The SUBE Society is all about helping you help yourself. However, If you want to accelerate this process. Or even if you’re just looking for a little more help, how about our Sugaring DFY (Done For You) program? We take over your profile and do the vetting for you - all you have to do is date your qualified matches! Learn more.

Abso-sugar-lutely! With our 14-day refund policy, you’ll have two weeks to decide if SUBE is right for you.

You are welcome to cancel your membership at any time and it will be effective immediately. However, we do not offer subscription refunds after the first two weeks.

There are definitely opportunities to connect directly with Taylor inside the community. If you are interested in additional support by working 1-on-1 with Taylor, setup a consult by going here. You may also invest in one of Taylor’s private coaching at any time.

If the only thing you got from this SUBE Society was clarity on the next step to take in navigating online dating and relationships, it would be worth the investment. If the only thing you got from accessing the network was a clear picture of how to attract men & how to ask for what you want, it would be worth the investment. And if the only thing you got from this SUBE Society was the belief that you can (and will) communicate your wants and desires, it would be worth the investment.

More than anything, what we really want for you is to find belonging within a community of women who get you, who’ve traveled the road you’re on and are ready to support you with feedback, accountability and encouragement.

It is our calling to share everything we’ve learned with the women who need it, at each step of their journey. No matter who you are, what your situation is, or what your goals are… we have your back.

You’ll be tapping from a diverse well of experience and perspective. Our members range from age 20-50 and come from a variety of backgrounds.

The Fast Track to Sugar 3-Day Bootcamp is a condensed version of my Fast Track to Sugar Program – it’s just the NEED to know information to give you a jumpstart to hit the ground running when using a Sugar Daddy dating site, rather than 30 days of Mentorship. Your Sugar Baby Syllabus: (Starts June 30 – July 2, each session is 30mins via Zoom followed by Q&A, and yes, you'll get access to the replays if can't make it LIVE):

DAY 1/ GETTING YOU ON THE FAST TRACK (Mindset & Strategy): First, we'll get a handle on your goals and objectives and how to align this lifestyle to attract your ideal relationships to meet your wants (and needs). Not everyone wants a FULL roster of SD’s. You might just want a few specific types of relationships. Or better Sugar Daddy’s. We'll get you amazing clarity on exactly what you're trying to do.

BONUS: Overcome the I-Don’t-Want-Him-To-View-Me-A-Certain-Way Syndrome + Get Confident About Owning What You WANT

Nothing harms your Sugar Lifestyle more than you not believing in it—or yourself. We'll talk about all the feelings, including all the doubts, all the insecurities that copblocks you from getting what you want.

DAY 2/ BECOMING SERIOUSLY ATTRACTIVE TO SUGAR DADDIES: Now we'll work on creating your perception with your profile. Look over my shoulder as I teardown a profile to help craft yours. You’ll learn how to create a unique allure tailored to attract your ideal Sugar Daddy so your SD’s immediately feel that you are the kind of person who understands what they want and need. After this session, you'll finally be able to attract with confidence without second-guessing yourself. (This alone will make navigating this lifestyle easier for you, FOREVER.) Your potential SD’s will choose someone to provide their time to... here we'll make it easier for that "someone" to be you.

DAY 3/ SETTING THE FOUNDATION TO THE ARRANGEMENT (GET WHAT YOU WANT): In this session, we'll cover how to set the foundation to your relationship – the framework I use pitch the relationship. It's easy, gentle, and anyone can do it. You won’t come across as a gold-digger, feel gold-diggerish, or come across as someone you are not. You'll also learn how to create the right Sugar Daddy experience based on the arrangement you want, over and over. Setting the foundation of your special relationships can be easy - and after this session is over, you'll know exactly what you should be doing.



The SUBE Society is a space overflowing with constant support. When I’m feeling like I have no options or get stuck in my own way, I always find helpful advice to get me pointed in the right direction.




Whenever I have a question, I take it to my sisters. I am continually blown away by the generosity of Taylor! I always come away with great feedback and resources to dig deeper. I’ve made lasting connections here, too.




Even though I’ve never met a lot of the women in the SUBE Society in real life, I really admire and appreciate all of my sisters. I’m so grateful for this group and Taylor’s participation and helpfulness. It has really helped me to come out of my shell more and be braver in owning what I want and the courage to go after it.



What we want you to know

sube Society

As Sugar Baby’s who have been there, we want you to understand that you are not alone. Even if it sometimes feels like it. Even if no one has (or would) support your lifestyle decisions up to this point.

SUBE works because we build our community based on knowledge, connection, celebration, and positivity.

You might be feeling concerned that this is a “pay to play” situation but we invite you to see it as an investment with unlimited benefit.

The connections you will make are authentic, long lasting.
The information you will receive is powerful, it works.

The confidence you will feel is revolutionary. It will change your life.

Are you ready to fulfill your Sugar Baby potential?

Click the button below. We will meet you there.