A Private Network of Women Helping You Achieve Dream Lifestyle Success

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A Private Network of Women Helping You Achieve Dream Lifestyle Success

Join the most hands-on, helpful, here’s-exactly-what-you-should-do with 24/7 support for all things necessary to enhance your dream lifestyle.

Note: No credit card required.


I just love being a part of a diverse group of women with similar goals. There’s such a range of ages and you feel as though you belong no matter how old and at what stage you are. I’ve often felt out of place with using Instagram trying to connect with others, and trying to use Facebook was out of the question as I wanted to keep this part of my life private. I’m so grateful for the SUBE Society.


Stop settling for less and sabotaging your success!

…You’ve got an unapologetic empire to build.

You can get with THIS…

  • Direct access to a network that specializes in better relationships.
  • Learn what to do (and what to avoid) when enhancing your lifestyle through relationships straight from women who have been there.
  • Embrace your own superpowers (your humor, your beauty, your razor-sharp wit) and use them to attract top-tier men.
    Convey your worth with ease and receive from your partner.
  • Gain confidence, know-how, and toolkit to #own your lifestyle goals.

Or you can get with THAT…

  • Navigating your dream lifestyle, piece-by-piece via fragmented research and running headfirst into common mistakes.
  • Stalking other successful women on Insta & FB and suffering from Imposter Syndrome.
  • Tiptoeing around your terms and stuttering when you try to ask for what you desire.

Get with THIS (for The SUBE Society’s where it’s at)… Because all of this is possible with the right support.

Discover an ELITE Society of women seeking POWERFUL, FULFILLING Relationships.


Welcome to…

The SUBE Society

sube logo

Supportive Women United through Beneficial Experiences (SUBE) is a forum-based private community of women who receive top-level support and mentorship for their relationship pursuits at every level, so you can embrace every aspect of your unapologetic dream lifestyle.

With The SUBE Society, you get the ultimate resources at your fingertips and an unparalleled network of support to keep you on track, scale your success & consistently level up your lifestyle.

Sidestep the Relationship Status Quo in Your Stilettos

Say no more!

Taylor doesn’t just teach hypergamy, she teaches financial and emotional freedom. I was telling someone about this group and all the subjects we discuss: business, investing, psychology, negotiations, etc. and how the skills we learn here are applicable in so many other segment of our lives. It takes a special person to be able to rein in all these women and create such a supportive and united front.


Meet The Founder

Hi, I’m Taylor — lover of fancy pens, cheesecake, and asking for what I want — and I know from personal experience that a woman’s life truly starts once she stops settling for less.

My mission is to help you turn the anxiety of lowering your standards to accommodate an average relationship…and the fear that you’ll never attract anything better…into financial independence and abundance by attracting the right relationships to complement your dream lifestyle.

Contrary to popular belief, there was indeed a time when I was not always the strong, confident, extroverted introvert that you know and love today. (love you, too!)


I know what you’re thinking… Gasp, how can this be true?!?!

One birthday, many moons back, I asked my date if he’d like to go to the opera. He replied, “Only if you’re paying.”

It was at this moment I knew the company I kept would either propel me forward or hold me back. And this Virgo was over being held back. I had become all too familiar with men that left me feeling undervalued, unappreciated, uninspired, and constantly second-guessing who I was. I knew nothing about my life was going to change until I changed it. So I did. But it wasn’t easy figuring everything out solo. I had to learn the hard way how to make this lifestyle work.

  • I wrote the wrong intro on my dating profiles. (bye, bye emojis)
  • I wore the wrong outfit on my dates. (heels + golfing = sore feet)
  • I was way too aggressive in asking for his financial generosity. (no Bugatti on the first date)

The slope towards a better lifestyle was steep and climbing it alone was super isolating! The worst part? (Besides not achieving my lifestyle goals.) I kept my struggles to myself while wishing I had a bestie to confide in.

Look, I get it. You thought you had to keep everything secret. You thought you couldn’t ask for help. And you thought you had to navigate everything alone.

Newsflash (grab your goodies and brace for impact): You don’t have to go at it alone. I realize now that was the problem — doing it by myself. A solution may have been right in front of my eyes, but I was too stuck in my head to see it. Minor frustrations became monster problems with no support system. After pushing through and finding massive success, I reviewed my process and built my SUBE Society empire to help others find success more quickly. Because you do not have to do it alone, nor should you.

Connecting in a safe and supportive place, our members get better at setting boundaries. Better at communicating their needs. Better at activating the lifestyle they desire. With the community, support, and connection provided by SUBE, you will be guided forward—Confidently, as an unapologetic woman in control.

A Testimonial from Taylor…

Fact: When you surround yourself with women who attract multi-millionaires, it’s much easier to connect with these top-tier men.

True story: Two of my clients met each other IRL. That’s right, in-person. One of these women gets over $10K+ a month from the generosity of her guy.

Should this mean anything to you? It should.

By being a member of SUBE, you not only get me whispering in your ear, but you also gain exclusive access to a supportive NETWORK of women like you. A whole accountability squad? Yes, please! My $10K+/mo client would be the perfect bestie for you!

This type of guidance might have been closed to you before. But now, you can leverage her world while attracting partners who amplify your dream lifestyle!
Pssst: read how two of our SUBE Sisters met IRL below.

Don’t miss your opportunity to join this powerful community!


Whenever I have a question, I take it to my sisters. I am continually blown away by the generosity of Taylor! I always come away with great feedback and resources to dig deeper. I’ve made lasting connections here, too.


Hold up. Wait a minute.

Let me put some merlot in it your glass.


Here’s what I want you to sip on…

As women who have been there, members of The SUBE Society want you to understand that you are not alone.

Even if it sometimes feels like it. Even if no one has (or would) support your lifestyle decisions up to this point. Even if you feel like giving up and settling. The SUBE Society works because I built my community based on knowledge, connection, celebration, and positivity. The connections you make are authentic and long-lasting. The information you receive is powerful, and it works.

The confidence you’ll gain will feel revolutionary and will change your life.


I love the SUBE Society because Taylor is actually a part of it. This isn’t just some group where we’ve been left to fend for ourselves. When you have an issue, Taylor is like Superwoman. It’s like she always finds a way to make a situation work. This group makes me feel safe to ask for help when I need it and I’m not judged for dating the type of men that I want. I feel less lonely and I followed Taylor’s advice on getting what I want and it worked!


Level Up with Us + Get Invited to Exclusive Events

SUBE is an online private support group, but we’re not just limited to the virtual world.

Hang with us the next time we:

  • Host Spa Day Strategy Sessions.
  • Throw penthouse pajama parties to practice the art of asking.
  • Lead retreats in exotic locations to de-stress & connect with our inner guides.
  • Curate private events in luxury environments with potential matches.
  • Identify top conferences with big provider potential!

You’ll also gain access to impromptu makeovers and pop-up photoshoots as well as special invites to dinner discussions. And let’s not forget our signature Stiletto Meet & Greet Mixer; THE place to connect with like-minded women in a safe (and very glam) space.

NOTE: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, some IRL events have been postponed. But we’ve moved the party online for now!

Ready to Join the #1 Network of Supportive, Unapologetic Women?


Here’s What You Get with The SUBE Society Membership.
Your membership includes:


Downloadable App

(help right from your phone & accessible on desktop).


24/7 Access to post your questions + woes and get helpful answers & support

to eliminate the guesswork receiving immediate, easy-to-implement advice to ensure your success.


Monthly LIVE Q&A Sessions

to talk out any issues you might have and get answers in real-time.


A behind-the-scenes look with ME and other members

who have reached their lifestyle goals successfully.


SUBE’s monthly “How She Did it” Member Spotlight

to learn from the best


Unlimited Accountability Partner(s).

Want a Bestie for support, travel, freestyling & networking? This is the perfect place to connect.


The SUBE Book Club

facilitated quarterly by me so you can upkeep your expertise on wealth, dating, and relationships up to date. SUBE Sister accountability included.


A complimentary profile

in my Elite Clientele Matchbook plus first dibs to my matchmaking clients!


Exclusive Invites to virtual and IRL events

so you can hang with your fave sisters whenever you’d like!

You can “TRY IT & APPLY IT!” within the first 14 days for a risk-free, money-back guarantee for a complete refund so there’s no reason not to try!

Feeling like it’s a yeah, baby?

Here’s what you need to do to join

1. Complete our application

Click here or the button below to access. It’s short!

2. Be patient

Invites will be issued on a monthly basis. Please be patient with me as I process all inquiries.

3. Accept your invite

If I accept your application, you’ll receive an invite to join us in The SUBE Society during open enrollment. Check your inbox! This email will contain a special link to sign up for our community.


I review applications in the order received.

The SUBE Society is like hanging out with your BFF’s where you can be yourself with no judging. The conversations we have gets to the heart of things and you can say what you want to say without censoring it… this can be so lonely, and it feels good to be around other women who are invested in themselves like I am.


Your SUBE Society Membership also Unlocks Access to:

SUBEx Talks (like TEDx Talks only sexier)

A fun, relaxed space to connect and showcase our expertise.

Join our small virtual parties to learn from your SUBE Sisters while presenting your own areas of aptitude. Each participant will grab the spotlight and share something – Lifestyle focused – that will help us improve. Followed by Q&A.

The “M” Lounge: Financial Literacy Series

You’ve attracted the perfect partner. Now what do you do with his generosity?

Becoming financially literate is the single best thing you can do. It makes the difference between temporary windfalls and downright wealth. Master the secrets of money and the methods to upward mobility as we reach that next bracket. Join us in the “M” Lounge within SUBE and an impressive list of professionals for our Financial Literacy Series.


14 Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

My gift to you…full access to The SUBE Society for the next 14 days to all successful applicants! If you aren’t blown away by the value and support, then I will return your fee, no questions (bye, bye third degree) and no hassles.

Here’s how my conditional guarantee works:

  • Fill out your profile (and join us inside SUBE)
  • Introduce yourself in the “new member welcome” thread
  • Tell us about how we can help you solve your #1 issue right now….

I know The SUBE Society is full of helpful ideas, top-notch support, and fellow women who want to see you succeed (because I’ve curated the best group of ladies around) — and if you aren’t convinced of the value after completing these three steps and implementing the advice offered, then I will refund you 100% with no hassle and no hard feelings.


Joining the SUBE Society has been one of the best things I’ve done. The sisterhood is much more than a community of women supporting each other. I have met women in person from it and have formed friendships that I know will last for years to come (we even freestyle together). The encouragement all wrapped together with the guidance of Taylor, is worth it!


All Society members are protected by My No-Woman-Left-Behind 90-Day Assistance Insurance

If you show up, ASK questions, implement what we share, and you don’t get better results after 90 days, you can take advantage of a no-charge One-on-One Strategy Session with me (Value $297). I’ll go over your approach, offer recommendations, and get you back on track.

A Tale of Two SUBE Sisters


Our SUBE Sister Rose traveled to a different state to meet her potential suitor. This is also where she met our SUBE Sister Kate and enlisted her support as a wing-woman.

OH, YES… They even shared a pic in the SUBE forum, talk about adorable! I don’t want to share all the details (it wouldn’t be fair to current SUBE Sisters), but here’s a snippet of the results…

“I saw her interact with my date in person, and she is the real deal! It was fascinating watching her take control of the conversation in her late-night DJ voice. He had no idea what was happening, and I was tickled at the sight of it. With her help, I was able to discuss details with him. He agreed to take me to Sephora to shop (the goodies are waiting for me at home), buy me a new Mac laptop, get me an apartment in the city, (I’m in Florida now) pay for it, and assist me with financial generosity of $4-5k. Life is good.”

…Can you feel the power of The SUBE Society?

Every win is a win for the community because we don’t just share the what, we share the how.
Will this level of support help you? Will it shorten your learning curve and provide the confidence that you need to get what you want?

It has for hundreds of other women – just like you.


The SUBE Society is a space overflowing with constant support. When I’m feeling like I have no options or get stuck in my own way, I always find helpful advice to get me pointed in the right direction



The SUBE Society isn’t for everyone, but it might be exactly what you’re looking for.

You are a perfect fit for our community – and will get the most by joining us – if you’ve already taken some steps towards your dream lifestyle (you’re actively looking for supportive relationships and/or scaling up your success).

But this isn’t a place to just complain about what’s not working for you. It’s a safe space to get all those frustrations out of your system without having to edit or censor yourself. The best part (besides getting to know me)? You get to DO something about it! Make changes with the help of others on the same path! It’s like having your own pep squad.

However, if you are still on the fence about benefiting from your relationships in the first place…we’re not a good fit. But I’ll welcome you when you’re ready!

If you’re more experienced, actively looking for supportive relationships and/or scaling up your success, you will gain access to our support system to help you reach your highest goals (and build your empire). The women at this level share a strong co-mentoring dynamic.

The SUBE Society is about leveling up, simplifying processes, navigating challenges, and getting RESULTS with where you are.

Why do I need to apply? You’re going to pick me anyway.

Maybe. Maybe not. I created a specialized society and seek to maintain high compatibility between member goals.

Remaining selective is beneficial for you because an application helps me guarantee that you’ll feel at home within my private network. No payment information is required at the time of application. Please note, I only accept new enrollments during the last week of every month.

If you are invited into The SUBE Society, you’ll be welcomed in on a 14-day trial. If you’re not invited, I’ll offer suggestions for moving forward and provide you with curated resources that may be more helpful for where you’re at. But don’t stress, you will be far more likely to receive access if you take advantage of the suggested resources.

Discretion is a priority! You will be identified by a username inside the community, and the community will only have access to the information you choose to share. Purchase details on your credit card will be noted as R&D Global, Inc. Your information will never be shared with a third party, as stated in the privacy notice.

I’m Taylor B. Jones — a Relationship Enrichment Coach based in Atlanta, GA. I teach ambitious women how to attract their dream partner (ooh, did somebody say top-tier men?) and live their best life because I believe a woman’s life truly starts once she stops settling for less.

And my superpower is my background in Sugar Daddy dating (gasp! even wrote a book on it).

I know how to help you attract a higher caliber of men and help you ask for what you want/need from within your relationships. Because of my matchmaking and Sugar Baby experience, I’ve learned exactly what it takes to scale to the top of the dating pool.

You don’t have to identify as a Sugar Baby to recognize that relationships have the power to make or break your lifestyle goals. I’m sure you’ve already figured that out, hence your wonderful visit to my e-home!

Excluding special deals and trials, membership begins at $47. Membership will automatically be renewed on a monthly basis. I offer several tiers and payment options to take advantage of my loyalty rewards program with a discounted rate on longer subscriptions (6 month or 1 year memberships).

I believe in no regrets (and no settling)! With my “TRY IT & APPLY IT!” 14-day refund policy, you’ll have two weeks to decide if The SUBE Society is right for you. This means you can take advantage of a full subscription refund within this two-week window.

But this is conditional (because you have to put in the effort).

Here’s how it works: Fill out your profile (and join us inside SUBE), introduce yourself in the “new member welcome” thread, and tell us about how we can help you solve your #1 issue right now.

I know The SUBE Society is full of helpful ideas, top-notch support, and fellow women who want to see you succeed (because I’ve curated the best group of ladies around) — and if you aren’t convinced of the value after completing these three steps and implementing the advice offered, then I will refund you 100% with no hassle and no hard feelings.

Be aware that if you cancel your membership, my 14-day refund policy expires after one use, you must re-join with a paid membership when SUBE is accepting new memberships.

Girl, hold off on that French fry order. If the only thing you got from The SUBE Society was clarity on the next step to take in navigating online dating and relationships, it would be worth the investment.

If the only thing you got from accessing the network was a clear picture of how to attract men & how to ask for what you want, it would be worth the investment. And if the only thing you got from The SUBE Society was the belief that you can (and will) communicate your wants and desires, it would be worth the investment.

More than anything, what I really want for you is to find belonging within a community of women who get you, who’ve traveled the road you’re on, and who are ready to support you with feedback, accountability, and encouragement.

It is my calling to share everything I’ve learned with the women who need it, at each step of their journey. No matter who you are, what your situation is, or what your goals are…I have your back. And so does this community.

If you aren’t ready to apply and activate a paid membership with SUBE, you should check out my Facebook group — Become Unapologetic.
It’s a FREE group for women seeking men to enhance their lifestyle. And while it IS a Facebook group, it goes above and beyond what you might expect.

Members have access to weekly live streams, opportunities to learn directly from me, and multiple value-based posts each week on attraction strategies, mindset shifts, and communication skills to help you exceed your relationship goals.
You’ll need an invitation to join so grab your group invite HERE!

Are you ready to fulfill your unapologetic potential and build the empire of your dreams?

Click the button below. Fingers crossed we’ll see you inside.

Don’t miss your opportunity to join this powerful community!