Some call me the
“Sugar Daddy Whisperer”, others call me
their “Secret Weapon”


(But you can call me your Sugar Baby Engineer to Success!)

You’ve hit a roadblock that's keeping you
from reaching that next level.

You’ve created an online dating profile, but the results are... meh.

You could use some expert assistance in finding & attracting your ideal relationships…the kind of specialist who knows what to say & how to say it.

You’d like more from the relationships you’re currently in.

I can help.

I’m Taylor B. Jones and I help women like you leverage their relationships, step by step until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity. How so? I help you navigate the challenging parts of this lifestyle until it becomes easy and by bringing to attention what is holding you back (or propelling you forward). I’ve created massive success for myself and thousands of other women…and I can’t wait to meet you.

When I found a system that started
working for me, my lifestyle TOOK OFF

I have been there, on the brink of a burnout, I felt like I was doing something totally wrong. Nobody was responding to my profile and men ghosted the moment I shared exactly what I was looking for. WTF!

Suddenly, this lifestyle (that I had invested my time in) seemed impossible to attain. I struggled for months (!) before I decided it was time to try something new.

I was going on dates and meeting generous men (who wanted to provide).

AMAZING opportunities opened up & I had experiences that changed my life FOREVER.

I thought being in someone's will wasn't possible. Until IT HAPPENED.

Before the age of 30 I achieved complete financial independence. During that time, I launched several businesses and utilized the generosity of others to build wealth for myself.

If you are thinking it might be time to throw in the towel or you’ve hit the ceiling on what’s possible, I’ll saunter into the room like Cinderella's Fairy Godmother (but more fabulous) and say, “NOT YET!” I will take you by the hand and guide you through getting what you want. Together, we’ll implement each step to get maximum results.

HOLD UP! Are you a total beginner?

Try my top-rated Sugar Baby Assessment (Your Clarity kit). You’ll get a clear understanding of your Sugar Goals, identify your Sugar Brand and connect the dots needed to jumpstart your Sugar Lifestyle.

I Found My Sugar Daddy & Got Financial Assistance

Before Taylor I was struggling with knowing what I should be doing. I felt so overwhelmed with everything I needed to do. And I got frustrated with trying to make random advice work for me. With working with her, YES, I found my sugar daddy. YES, I got financial assistance. But most importantly, I gained the focus and perspective shift that I needed. Taylor called me out when I told her I tried everything. Yep, I knew it all (and yet I was seeking help lol). I was in relationships where I wasn’t benefiting. She helped me set up the foundation right from the beginning. With Taylor, you’re investing in yourself and she’s invested in your success. AND she’s right alongside of you. You’ll never feel alone and even if it something miniscule she’s there to help you. The best part of with working with her is that it is individualized. I received SO much, from individual support than my attempt at finding people to answer my questions to help me. Taylor really goes all in with you, and I will be using the information in all aspects of my life.


I benefited from over $100,000
from my platonic Sugar Daddy,
and then 5x’d it

I’m here to personally help you attract your ideal relationship (or an entire roster of them!!?!), ask for /get what you want, and maximize your results.

Collectively, my clients have benefited from over $1.5MM via the generosity of their Sugar Daddy’s. Together, we’ll navigate the challenging parts of this lifestyle until it becomes easy. Through my Sugar Daddy Formula methodologies, I’ve created massive results for myself and hundreds of other women…and I can help you too.

If you are coming to me, and you don’t already know how to attract your ideal relationships (whether online or in-person) in a reliable, predictable, repeatable way…

That’s what we will work on.

However, if you’re coming to me and you’re already attracting high-quality men, and going out on extravagant and wonderful dates…

Then we will focus on positioning you to get what you want by guiding Mr. Right to take ACTION.

If you are in a relationship, I’ll help you get more of what you are already getting, sustaining it, getting it back on track, understand how to build wealth to become financially independent, or help you create an exit strategy!

Now, how exactly will we spend our time together...

Well, that all depends on your specific situation.

You may know exactly what you need, or you may have no idea. Either way, I always customize your package for
exactly what it takes to get the results you want.

Most of my clients have one of four things in mind
when they come to Taylor:


I have no idea what
I’m doing, help!


Can I have you
by my side?


Help me get to the
next level, I’m ready.


Help me decide what I
should be focusing on
and how to do it.

Whatever struggles you’re dealing with... I CAN HELP YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT.

If you’re feeling ready to take this relationship to an intimate level (the one where you and I commit, make plans for the future and upgrade your lifestyle)…

We might as well go on a first date.

I want to make sure I am on the same page as you in the help that you need. And even if you don't know, by speaking with you I can determine the most logical way to move forward.

My consulting packages start at $997 depending on your individual needs (with payment plans and options to fit any budget). Financial accommodations can be made under special circumstances. After we discuss what you’re struggling with, I’ll lay out exactly what you need to get the results you’re looking for and how we can work together.

I fully expect to help you make back much more than what you invest with me. IN FACT, my intent is to help you receive your initial investment many times over.

Gave me the tools and the confidence

Taylor gave me the tools and the confidence to portray myself as the smart ambitious woman that I am, and finally get my ducks in a row to attract the kind of man I was after. I stayed focused and dedicated myself to finding the right person and guess what… I FOUND HIM! And he's amazing in so many ways! We have so, so much in common and he's dedicated to helping me start and build my design business. I can say that I have finally hit my home run.


If you don’t do it, you’ve missed out on a huge opportunity

The fact is I would have never gotten on the right track navigating this lifestyle the way that I was going to go about it without Taylor’s help. She got me focused on the direction that changed my life. If you are thinking about working with Taylor, this is what I’d say to you: I’d say you’d be in very good, capable hands. She knows her stuff really well. She’s very bright and quick thinking. You’ll feel like you’re on a magic carpet when you’re with Taylor. And on top of just her know-how, she’s got a big and beautiful heart that cares about you, that cares about you living your lifestyle. So I would say jump on the carpet and enjoy the ride! It’s going to change your life. It’s going to make all the difference in your lifestyle. If you don’t do it, you’ve missed out on a huge opportunity. It made all the difference in who I am today.


Ok, Taylor. I really wanna work with you!
What do I have to do?

The first step is to apply for a Breakthrough Session. Before we hop on the phone, I’d like to know a bit about you, learn your goals, discuss your issues, identify any potential dilemmas, and what you’d like to get out of consulting with me.

We’ll spend 30 minutes together, at no cost or further obligation to you, and make sure this is the right fit to meet your goals. You’ll complete my application so we’re ready to discuss solutions and strategies as soon as your session starts.

A limited number of Breakthrough Sessions are available. I only open my doors and select a few private clients each year, so I can give you the attention you deserve. Any and all information you share is strictly confidential.

The end result: we both walk away from the call with an answer and zero awkwardness. If this sounds all good, go ahead and apply.

What happens next?


Complete the application process by clicking here. If we’re a good fit for private consulting, I’ll follow up within 72hrs with access to my online scheduler and you can book your complimentary, 30 minute breakthrough session!

*Note: To book a time you’ll be required to put down a $50 deposit (fully refundable after our appointment).

At the scheduled time of your consult, we’ll hang out on the phone or Skype for half an hour or so, discuss your biggest struggles and what exactly is getting you stuck (or just keeping you from that next level), and use the opportunity to make sure we’re the perfect fit.


I’ll extend an invite on how we can work together to reach your goals. If you see the value in working together, great. If you decide not to work with me or if we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.

Private consulting not the best fit right now?

There’s SO MANY ways to move forward, powerfully, as a Sugar in control. Let’s
discuss opportunities with a 15 minute speed date.

This Is For You If...

  • You’re not afraid or stuck with weird feelings about pursuing this lifestyle… you actually WANT TO benefit from your relationships..
  • You’ve been trying to piece together all the information you can find and how it applies to your unique situation to get unstuck (and you’re still stuck)..
  • You know that you want to be in a better place than where you are… but you just need some outside perspective and you want STRATEGIES and STEPS that you will follow to get yourself there.
  • You are READY to hit the ground running…or find and fix holes in your approach to get a BETTER RESULT… or change THE WAY you have been going about this lifestyle.

I work in a very goal-oriented
and result-based manner.

The women I’ve worked with have been able to meet their goals and easily make many times over what they’ve invested. Because when you have the right strategies, tools, processes, and support system— you make back everything you pay for (and so much more).

If you're serious about leveraging your relationships to propel you to a situation that aligns with your dreams…

Let’s chat about how I can help you take it to the next level.


We send out Sugar Baby Tips to help you take control of your Sugar Baby Lifestyle and be more successful with Sugar Daddies…weekly…via email.

© 2019 Sugar Baby Advice – Sugar Daddy Formula