Your selfies on Seeking Arrangement
won’t get you far.

Are you so over a mediocre profile that only attracts undesirables, or
even worse, no prospects at ALL?

Say hello to the missing ingredient (your Secret Weapon, US) that will
transform your profile from being helplessly ignored to the epicenter of
Sugar Daddy Attention.

Choose from 3 tried-and-true profile improvement options.

Here’s the Cost of Not Solving
the “Profile Problem”


It’s easier to diagnose a failing profile when we look at how it was built.

Here’s how Sugar Baby’s set shaky foundations:

They Google Sugar Daddy
dating sites…and select
a FREE one.

Browsing recent selfies, they
upload the best image and slap
together a profile that outlines their

*Sits back and waits for
messages to roll in…*

Guess what happens next? (You may know from personal experience).

NOTHING, that’s what!

It’s like trying to win the Sugar Daddy lottery without investing in a
ticket…And not getting it right can keep you stuck on Seeking
Arrangement FOREVER.

Does any of this sounds familiar?

  • You’re overwhelmed and confused about how NOT to come across
    as a gold digger, or even worse, like someone you’re not.

  • You don’t even know where to begin!? (Let alone how to structure
    your profile and get Sugar Daddy's responding? Sigh...)

  • "Writing about myself is so hard”, “I just don't know what to say”,
    “I'm not interesting”, "I'm not sure if I look the part", and other
    negative self-talk.

  • You wish your picture could just do all the talking, securing the
    arrangement you want.

  • Your dating profiles are currently collecting digital dust.

  • You feel like you're wasting time swiping through the latest dating

  • You've tried'em all: Seeking Arrangement, SugarDaddie, POF, Luxy,
    Tinder, MillionaireMatch, EstablishedMen.

And all you’ve got to show for your time is a roster of scammers, dates that felt
like a total mismatch...and zero progress toward the up-leveled lifestyle and
opportunity you’ve been looking for.

Maybe you start creeping the competition…


You click around other women’s social media and dating profiles, envious of
their success.

You wonder what they're doing differently. You might even try imitating one who
looks successful (or *gasp* you just copy her profile! Hey, if it worked for her...)
You realize that if nobody is contacting you, you’ll never make it off the dating
site, and into the arrangement you hope for…

Change Your Words, Change Your Lifestyle
Create a profile that loves you back


When your profile clearly identifies what makes YOU special, alluring and
unique, you’ll attract Sugar Daddy’s “on-demand” who are generous and
compatible/ aligned with your Sugar goals.

That’s where we come in…

Rewriting Your Story To Sugar
Baby Success

Our Team Of Experienced Sugars Will Help You...
  • Avoid Traps that make you look less desirable.

  • Hook the right men from the headline of your profile to the very
    last word.

  • Infuse your profile with the best “bait” to make him feel like you’re
    reading his mind.

  • Structure your profile into easy-to-read, flowing sections.

  • Create a conversational, one-on-one experience that makes your
    potential feel like he’s the ONE.

  • Give him a taste of your appeal, making him eager to know more.

  • Leverage powerful emotional and psychological triggers that get
    your potentials to TAKE ACTION.

We want to weave your words into a new lifestyle.

So that Sugar Daddy's fall in love with you and binge-read your messages like
Netflix. We’ll help you take random prospects and turn them into Sugar Daddy’s
who love to provide —All thanks to the power of YOUR WORDS.

Why You Need Our Sugar Magic


We are a team of experienced Sugars specialized in elite dating. We’ve gone
through trainings, coaching sessions and private consultations with our Founder,
the MVP herself, Taylor B. Jones. We’ve all found success implementing her
Sugar methodologies.

When you upgrade your profile with one penned by us, you amplify your appeal.
As successful Sugar’s, our team of writers have absolutely perfected the
process of identifying what makes you special and framing your unique gifts in a
way that:

  • Catches his attention (double take).

  • Maintains interest (he can’t get enough).

  • Converts into action (he’s favoriting, messaging, coming back again and again).

You can’t find this specialized powerhouse of skill elsewhere! Why spend
another day winging it when you could be effortlessly attracting quality matches
perfect for you?

Imagine Your Life After
Your Profile Transformation

  • Your profile becomes your personal Match Magnet for the kind of
    elite men you’ve been dreaming about.

  • You go on more dates, you’re being mentored, and experiencing a
    new and more luxurious lifestyle (you might even get the ring).

  • You sidestep scammers and avoid months of wasted time by
    attracting men of a higher caliber.

  • You instantly multiply the number of views, favorites, messages,
    AND responses.

  • All of a sudden you need help managing your time to meet all your
    matches (we offer Dating Schedule assistance in our Sugar Success
    Profile Kit).

  • You’re no longer chasing, you’re attracting….A powerful position to
    be in.


My new profile has been up for one day and I’ve received more views, favorites, messages, AND responses in a few hours than I’ve received on my own for over a month. I FOUND TWO potentials. One came from an initial message that I sent using Taylor’s conversation Profile template and the other came from someone who found me using her method of getting noticed and I’m dating them both. My writer from Taylor’s team crafted a profile that is so ME, while still being engaging! Better yet, she walked me through every step of her strategy, so I knew exactly why she’d chosen the words for my profile.


Discover Why You + Us = Profile Love…

  • Our team is trained by Taylor B. Jones, one of the most prominent
    and esteemed Sugar Baby Success Coaches in the world.

  • This is specialized knowledge. As Sugars who have been there, our
    team understand the subtleties of partnership and exchange.

  • We implement strategies to create the lifestyle you want and
    align it with relationships you can leverage.

  • With keen Sugar-vision, we recognize what is working well for
    (or not so well). And we adjust accordingly.

  • You’re protected! Your needs are our priority and our offerings
    include a Profile Guarantee as well as Taylor's 90-Day Profile

We Orchestrate Serious Upgrades

  • Even if you've been on and off websites for years with no luck.

  • Even if you’re worrying you might be too old for this.

  • Even if you’ve changed your profile over and over and still haven't
    found success.

  • Even if no one is initiating contact with you.

  • Even if you feel you're terrible at describing yourself.

  • Even if you don't know how to write your profile or communicate
    what you want.

I cringe to think of how my profile was written before because it was all kinds of awkward. I felt lost for words because trying to figure out what to say in just a few words is highly competitive when everyone is vying for the same type of man, but my writer from Taylor’s team thoughtfully crafted my profile to speak to who I was looking for. She took the time to understand my goals, and the profile was the perfect blend of making someone excited about getting to know me and how I talk in real life. The whole process of the profile creation was a breeze from start to finish, and her unique charisma was just the cherry on top.


Taylor’s Rise in the Sugarverse
(Sugar + Universe)

I benefited from over $100,000 from my platonic Sugar Daddy,
and then 5x’d it.

But without online dating, who knows what my life would look like now. When it
comes to leveraging relationships, I don’t just talk the talk. I am my own success
story! Pulling from personal experience, I help women like you find their footing
in an online world. I guide Sugar’s into opportunity while helping them maintain
their authenticity and values.

Collectively, my clients have benefited from over $1.5MM via the generosity of
their Sugar Daddy’s. They get these results because I understand the areas in
which Sugar’s often need help. I’ve helped hundreds of women land
harmonious and beneficial Sugar relationships. And I can help you too.

Choose From 3 Packages
To Fit Your Profile Needs

Things are about to get a lot better for you…


DIY Profile

Testing The Waters

Best For: Sugars who want to write
their own profile but need a push in the
right direction

The Proven Profile Formula Guide to
structuring your profile (with examples)

Get over 200+ EASY Tips to Make Him
Want to Meet You!


How to Get Inside Your Ideal Sugar
Daddy’s Head, DO’s & DON’Ts (with
examples), 100+ Questions to Help Your
Creativity, 10 Tips for Editing & Revising
your Profile, How to Write Headlines that
Capture Attention, How to sculpt your
"About & Seeking Section" to give your
prospects a taste of the real you…and

Plus, you get 4 special bonuses

BONUS #1: The Best Sugar Baby
Usernames for Sugar Daddy Dating
(Value $17)

BONUS #2: How to Hook your Sugar
Daddy with an initial message
(mini-guide) with Templates (Value

BONUS #3: “Make Him Look” Profile
Photo Cheat Sheet (Value $27)

BONUS #4: Sugar Baby
Profile Template. Fill-In-The Blanks and take
out the guesswork (Value $47)

Instant Access




Best For: Sugars who lack the words
and want to hit the ground running

for unlocking Sugar
Allure so your profile sings with your
one-of-a-kind voice

A Custom Profile Makeover

TWO Headlines that will tease your
Sugar Daddy’s into reading more

paragraph to make him fall head over

makes your potential feel as though he is
the ONE

Unlimited Revisions free of charge

Profile Photo Cheat Sheet to make him

A Lifetime Photo Review (never expires)

Our Sugar Daddy Profile Guide: To
prevent common mistakes and ensure
positive reception

BONUS #1: 5 Days of Free Coaching
Privately with Taylor ($149 Value)

BONUS #2: A Free Copy Of The Sugar
Daddy Formula Book

BONUS #3: Dating site
recommendations based on who you
want to attract

Timeline: 5 Business Days
100% Money Back Guarantee


Sugar Success
Profile Kit


Best For: Ambitious Sugars who don’t
want to leave their lifestyles up to

Everything in the Profile Makeover
included (profile crafted by Taylor)


Optional Profile Consult 15min FREE of
charge ($50 Value)

Hands-On Sugar Baby Assessment to
review 3 prospects interactions and
provide feedback

A 30min Strategy Session to review your
Sugar Goals & discuss how to attract the
relationships you seek ($100 Value)

Profile Picture Assistance: Outfit, hair, &
makeup tips plus everything you need to
know about photography + visual

ONE proven approach to set the
arrangement foundation (You pick:
direct, in-direct, or the assumed ask)

Demo conversation flow in taking leads
to the next level

FIVE scripts for common FAQ's to save
time and move forward

FIVE Initial messages customized for
you to start the conversations that other
Sugar Baby’s can’t (won’t)

Dating schedule to maximize your time
when leveraging dating sites

BONUS: 90 Day access to the support
group to get (any and all) of your
questions answered (Value $141)

Timeline: 7-9 Business Days

Want just my Sugar Baby Profile Template
for only $47 to get you going?


A "fill in the blank" profile template that works? (Yes, yes it does). This template
comes with an "About" and the "One You Are Seeking" section. It includes my
Sugar Daddy Formula Guide to structuring your profile and a Must-Listen audio
file outlining what you need to do first.


Nervous? Skeptical? You’re 100% covered

Here’s the “Profile Creation” Makeover Guarantee:

Your profile is in good hands. If you are not completely satisfied, just email us
within 2 business days (of receiving your draft*) and you will get a full refund.
We’ll also tweak it till we get it right with unlimited revisions within 7 business
days. That's our commitment and your guarantee.

PLUS, you are protected by Taylor's
90-Day Profile Insurance

If your profile isn’t attracting any matches after 90 days, you’ll get a FREE profile edit.

If you still don’t attract high-quality men after these edits, you can take advantage of a no-charge, one-on-one 30min Strategy Session with Taylor (Value $100, yours free) to go over your approach and get you back on track. How’s that for some sugary goodness?


Working with my profile writer, I felt like a weight had been lifted and I was able to focus on who I was wanting to attract that centered around why I was seeking him to begin with. If you want to finally end your profile woes, you’ve found it. Taylor and her team are your secret weapon.


You might be wondering (FAQs)...

You’ll get your welcome packet right away! This includes your next steps for the Profile Makeover/Sugar Success Profile Kit, or the link to download your DIY Profile Toolkit so you can get started. From there, you’ll receive your Profile Makeover in 5-business days (can be sooner depending on how many in queue). Profiles from scratch are delivered in 7-9 business days after receiving your submission, unless we notify you otherwise.

Our goal is to sound just like you! Taylor has trained her team in the art of adaptation from over a decade of profile writing experience. We’re a bunch of voice chameleons! And we’d love to help your true colors shine.

If you chose to purchase the Profile Makeover package, you’ll have the pleasure of working with an experienced Sugar writer on our team, who has been personally trained by Taylor! If you’d like to work with Taylor herself, you must purchase the Sugar Success Profile Kit. If you chose the DIY Profile Toolkit, you’ll receive everything you need (templates, formulas, etc.) to create your profile yourself.

Put simply: We’ll work at it until it’s just right! (Don’t forget, too: this isn’t about us or you. It’s REALLY about your potential match, and what will speak most strongly to him.)

When you book a Profile Makeover or Sugar Success Profile Kit, you are entitled to a full refund after 2 business days (of receiving your draft). Additionally, you’re protected by Taylor’s 90 Day Profile Insurance Guarantee. DIY Toolkits do not come with refunds, but you are protected by the same Insurance Guarantee.

Your needs are our priority. If you want help beyond our current offerings (for things like messages, custom scripts for responding, or simply want a demo conversation flow customized to YOU), just send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll send a custom quote. If you want to upgrade (or downgrade) your package with custom add-ons, we can make it work. Let us know what you need!

Of course! You can always send us a confidential email at [email protected] or setup a speed date (call) with Taylor by clicking here.


We send out Sugar Baby Tips to help you take control of your Sugar Baby Lifestyle and be more successful with Sugar Daddies…weekly…via email.

© 2019 Sugar Baby Advice – Sugar Daddy Formula