Join the most hands-on,
helpful, here’s-exactly-what-
you-should-do 24/7 support
for all things necessary to upgrade your lifestyle.

I WANT ACCESS!Take on the world with confidence—we've got your back.

Let’s face it, you’re the full package. You’re beautiful, smart and everyone has more fun when you’re around. You’ve definitely got what it takes…

But the dating world is full of ups and downs and it’s not easy navigating these waters all on your own.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You know you are a great catch, but you’re constantly second guessing yourself because you have a million tiny, unanswered questions.
  • You spend hours Googling information about how dating works but you’re still confused because, even if it worked for someone else, you’re not sure it will work for you.
  • You set a date with a man that seems to be everything you want but it doesn’t feel as good as it should because there’s no one there to celebrate with you.
  • You show up to the date ready with your plan but still get taken advantage of because you’re trying to figure this all out on your own and still have a lot to learn.
  • You put in hours everyday talking to potential matches, but you aren’t getting what you want and you’re ready to give up because nothing is as easy as it seems and you don’t have anyone to encourage you to keep going.

You know that you will get better at this…

You KNOW that other girls have been successful and so can you…


I totally get it because I’ve been there. I had to go through it all on my own. I made a lot of mistakes along the way and settled for what I didn’t really want.

But I finally met other like-minded women, created a Support Network just for us, and everything changed…

Here’s what your life is about to look like:

  • You are doing great in all things related to your relationships, and totally know what you’re doing because all your tiny questions have been answered.
  • You spend hours online chatting with your fav sisters because they give the best advice and love your feedback as well.
  • You meet the man of your dreams and can’t wait to tell the rest of the Society because you know they’ll want to celebrate with you.
  • Your date is wonderful and goes exactly as planned because you got amazing advice from your sisterhood in advance.
  • You’re hitting your goals every month because you have a solid support system that helps you and encourages you every step of the way.


The Sugar Baby Society is the kind of resource you always wish for, but never expect to find. Whenever I am having a hard time picking myself up after coming across another scammer asking for my bank account info or just simply need to know that I am not alone in the world, I can turn to the network for resources and community, and suddenly everything doesn’t seem chaotic.

Welcome to...

The Sugar Baby Society

A private network of women supporting each other’s relationship pursuits 24/7… so
you don’t have to do this alone.

Say goodbye to hours of endless Googling for answers to your questions because your new friends are ready to help.

THE SUGAR BABY SOCIETY is all about helping each other navigate the dating world and being there for each other during our wins and losses so you can finally reach your goals and have the life you want.

I followed Taylor’s advice on getting what I want and it worked

I love the Sugar Baby Society because Taylor is actually a part of it. This isn’t just some group we’ve been left to fend for ourselves. When you have an issue, Taylor is like Superwoman. It’s like she always finds a way to make a situation work. This group makes me feel safe to ask for help when I need it and I’m not judged for dating the type of men that I want. I feel less lonely and I followed Taylor’s advice on getting what I want and it worked!


The sugar lab is like a map of how to make this lifestyle work

The stuff in the Sugar Lab is like a map of how to make this lifestyle work. I felt like I’d been spending my last year navigating in darkness when it came to this stuff. Taylor breaks everything down and not only that she shows you how to use approaches so that it works for you. Getting her advice was like turning on a light and finding my way after being lost.


When you ask for help you get help that you can actually use

This isn’t your average generic watered down advice providing group, nuh-uh. When you ask for help you get help that you can actually use. There’s not a better way to spend less than getting a blowout for what you’ll get inside the support network, including invaluable feedback from Taylor herself. Highly recommend!


Hi, my name is Taylor, and I had to learn the hard way how to make this lifestyle work.

It wasn’t easy figuring out everything by myself. I made a lot of mistakes that cost me money and wasted a lot of time. I signed up on the wrong websites and wrote the wrong thing on my profile, I wore the wrong thing on my dates and was way too aggressive when I tried to ask for what I wanted, I didn’t know what to expect and, frankly, I got taken advantage of.

It took a while and there were tears along the way, but eventually I figured out how to make my lifestyle work and I started seeing the returns I wanted. But I was alone in my experience and FRUSTRATED that my sisters were out there making the same mistakes. I know all of these mistakes could be avoided if we had a solid support system of women to lean on… So I decided to create it. This isn’t your typical community where we talk about how we are not where we want to be… we work on getting there!

We don’t post images of what we’ve received without telling you how we went about getting it. In other words, we walk you through how we did it. If this level of support EXCITES you… JOIN US! This is a community PLUS mentorship where women like you step up their game at every level.

The guidance of Taylor, is worth it

Joining the Sugar Baby Society has been one of the best things I’ve done. The sisterhood is much more than a community of women supporting each other. I have met women in person from it and have formed friendships that I know will last for years to come (we even freestyle together). The encouragement all wrapped together with the guidance of Taylor, is worth it!


You feel as though you belong

I just love being a part of a diverse group of women. There’s such a range of ages and you feel as though you belong no matter how old and at what stage you are. I’ve often felt out of place with using Instagram trying to connect with others, and trying to use Facebook was out of the question as I wanted to keep this part of my life private.


This can be so lonely, and it feels good to be around other women who are invested in themselves like I am

The Sugar Baby Society is like hanging out with your BFF’s where you can be yourself with no judging. The conversations we have gets to the heart of things and you can say what you want to say without censoring it… this can be so lonely, and it feels good to be around other women who are invested in themselves like I am.


Here’s What You’ll Get When You Join

Private Forum with 24/7 access where you’ll post questions and your wins so you no longer have to do this alone. ($324 Value)

Officially greeted by Taylor and given the Secret Handshake so you can get started right away feeling supported.

NEW Trainings every month so you are always up to date on the latest tactics. ($497 Value)

The Sugar Lab with over 40 methods, scripts and expert advice so you can immediately find the answers you need to up level. ($197 Value)

Featured Profile sent to my Elite Clientele for matchmaking ($149 Value)

Book Club so you can meet your amazing sisters and easily build friendships. ($49 Value)


Get matched up with an Accountability Partner who is at a similar level to you, and together LEVEL UP! Want a Bestie for support, travel, & networking? Get connected. (PRICELESS)




$29/mo *Billed Annually 40% off (5 months for FREE + 30min Strategy Session with Taylor - Value $100, yours FREE)

But that’s not all…

BONUS 1: $99 Value!

An App for your smartphone so you can stay connected with your sisterhood on the go.

BONUS 2: $147 Value!

LIVE Q&A Sessions every month to call in & talk out any issues you might have so you get expert answers in real time.

BONUS 3: $49 Value!

Exclusive Invites to in-person events so you can hang with your fav sisters in real life.

TOTAL VALUE: $295 in Bonuses + $1,216 = $1,511


$29/mo *Billed Annually 40% off (5 months for FREE + 30min Strategy Session with Taylor - Value $100, yours FREE)

It would be an honor to have you join us inside this very special Sugar Baby Society.

If you’re ready to level up and get support from your amazing network of like-minded women as well as access to my expertise, then take these steps to get started:


Click the I’M READY button below.


Fill out the web form with your information and submit your payment.


Check your inbox for your official Welcome Email with instructions on how to access the private forum and Sugar Lab.


Start chatting with your sisters, leveling up your skills, reaching your goals and celebrating with the ladies that were with you the whole way!

You might be wondering (FAQs)...

Is the Sugar Baby Society really for me?

If you are a woman interested in or currently benefiting from your personal relationships, then this is for you. You must be 18+ years and ready to support your fellow sisters and help everyone tackle the world of dating and relationships.

Is the Sugar Baby Society only for Newbies?

This is for women at all levels - whether you’re just getting started or have been living the lifestyle for awhile, there’s plenty of support for you inside. The Sugar Baby Society is about doing this together and getting RESULTS.

I’m all about being discrete. Do I have to use my real name? How will the charges appear on my credit card?

Discretion is a priority for me as well!You will be identified by a username inside the community and your sisters will only have access to the information you choose to share. Purchase details on your credit card will be noted as R&D Global, Inc. Your information will never be shared with a third party as stated in the privacy notice.

I’m still looking for a wealthy man. Will you make a match for me?

The Sugar Baby Society is all about helping you help yourself. However, members are added to my Matchbook and if you match with one of my Elite Clientele, I’ll make an introduction!

What if I join and decide it’s not for me? Can I get a refund?

You are welcome to cancel your membership at any time and it’ll be effective immediately, however, we do not offer refunds. I’ve built a ton of value into this network and am confident that you will get a lot out of it. I’m here to make getting results inevitable and your sisters are here to make your journey a lot less lonely.

How much 1:1 support will I get from you? I think I need a lot!

There are definitely opportunities to connect directly with me inside the community. If you are interested in additional support, you can invest in one of my private coaching packages at anytime.

I’m struggling to afford my current lifestyle and don’t have a generous partner in my life yet. Can I really afford this?

If the only thing you got from this Sugar Baby Society was clarity about the next right step to take in navigating online dating and relationships, it would be worth the investment. If the only thing you got from accessing the network was a clear picture of how to attract men & how to ask for what you want, it would be worth the investment. And if the only thing you got from this Sugar Baby Society was the belief that you can and will communicate your wants and desires, it would be worth the investment.

More than anything, what I really want for you is a community of women who get you, who’ve traveled the road you’re on and are ready to support you with feedback, accountability and encouragement, so you can reach your goals without doing it all alone.

It would be such a pleasure to be your wise mentor whispering expert advice in your ear along the way as well.

No matter who you are, what your situation is, or what your goals are… your sisters and I have your back.

I always find helpful advice to get me pointed in the right direction

The Sugar Baby Society is a space overflowing with constant support. When I’m feeling like I have no options or get stuck in my own way, I always find helpful advice to get me pointed in the right direction.


These women are more my friends than some of my real life friends

Where else can you find a group of nonjudgmental women, who are in it together, upgrading their lifestyles and there to support one another without all the BS of people judging you? These women are more my friends than some of my real life friends as they get the real me that I don’t have to hide!


The Sugar Baby Society is the only place I felt welcomed and had actual support that helped

I’ve stalked other women on Instagram and Tumblr. Instagram kind of felt like you have to belong to a certain clique to be accepted. The Sugar Baby Society is the only place I felt welcomed and had actual support that helped. You don’t have women flaunting what they received. I love the fact that when you share a win you have to breakdown the approach on how you went about it.


I’ve made lasting connections

Whenever I have a question, I take it to my sisters. I am continually blown away by the generosity of Taylor! I always come away with great feedback and resources to dig deeper. I’ve made lasting connections here, too.


It has really helped me to come out of my shell

Even though I’ve never met a lot of the women in the community in real life, I really admire and appreciate all of my sisters. I’m so grateful for this group and Taylor’s participation and helpfulness. It has really helped me to come out of my shell more and be braver in owning what I want and the courage to go after it.


Are you ready to meet your sisters?

I’M READY! We’re waiting for you.


We send out Sugar Baby Tips to help you take control of your Sugar Baby Lifestyle and be more successful with Sugar Daddies…weekly…via email.

© 2019 Sugar Baby Advice – Sugar Daddy Formula