Dollars and Sense: Tips on Finance for the Smart Sugar Baby

Whether you’ve been a Sugar Baby for a few minutes or for a few years, there’s no denying that you’ve been dreaming of the day when you can start to afford the latest designer purses, clothes and make-up. Your thoughts swarm with visions of you and your Sugar Daddy dining out at the finest restaurants, dancing in the best clubs and enjoying the best of what life has to offer.

But before you get swept up in these dreams of wealth and prosperity, have you given a thought to your own finances?

Let’s face it: half the fun of being a Sugar Baby is being involved with a generous and mature Sugar Daddy who wants to share his fabulous world with you. But on the flip side of things, being a Sugar Baby can be more about the here and now – it can be about building a prosperous future where the money you spend is yours alone.

So what are some Sugar Baby-friendly techniques that will help you grow wealth?

  • 1. Pay Yourself First. When your Sugar Daddy is generous with gifts and allowances don’t fritter it all on flash-in-the-pan trends and luxuries. Before you even spend a single penny of your allowance, be sure to pay yourself first before you do anything else with the money. For example, if your Sugar Daddy gives you an allowance of $2000 per month, put at least ten to twenty percent of that in a high-interest savings account right away. If you have your own job that you’re using to pay for your necessities, you can afford to tuck away even more, if not all, of that allowance.
  • 2. Pay Down Toxic Debt. No matter how much money your Sugar Daddy gives you, you’ll never be truly wealthy or financially independent if you’re being dragged down by toxic debt. So what do we mean here by “toxic” debt? This can apply to credit card debt, loans and any other debts that have a negative impact on your credit score. In general, mortgages and student loans are “good” debts – until you’ve missed a payment on them, that is!
  • 3. Start Investing. When you and your Sugar Daddy have set up a regular allowance routine, contact a financial professional who can give you some no-nonsense financial advice. You don’t always have to go to intimidating investment banks to get the advice you’re looking for; in fact, local credit unions can assist you with building a wealth-generating portfolio without scaring you off with the MBA talk. Similarly, if your Sugar Daddy works in the finance industry, don’t be afraid to ask him for advice – he’ll love the fact that you turned to him for his expertise. Do not overlook the fact that even if your Sugar Daddy in not a financial investment banker he may still possess a lot of knowledge and be of real help to you.
  • 4. Be Smart. Buying yourself designer luxuries can be fun – but if you find that more of your money is being thrown away on name-brand items, you’re on the fast-track towards a life spent relying on Sugar Daddies for assistance. No matter how good of a Sugar Baby you are, there will come a time when you’ll want to strike out on your own – and being in debt from a designer habit isn’t the best way to go through life.
    Use these tips on your own finances, and you may discover that you’ve graduated from “Sugar Baby” to “Sugar Mama”!
    Now it’s your turn: how important is it for you to be financially independent? What do you do to save up the money that your Sugar Daddy gives you?

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Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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