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[feature_headline type=”center” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h2″]Increase Your Sugar Daddy Success with PROVEN Strategies, Private Consulting & Mentorship[/feature_headline]

If you don’t already know specifics of how I help private clients,

I’ll give you the Sugar Rundown…

But first, a word of warning:  I only work with 9 private consulting clients at a given time, and if you are wanting to speak with me to determine if I can help you READ EVERY WORD ON THIS PAGE CAREFULLY. 

I’m Taylor and I’m a Sugar Baby Strategist + Sugar Daddy Persuasionist…focusing on two main areas for my clients… Sugar Daddy Attraction + Sugar Baby Wealth Building Utilizing Your Sugar Daddy’s Financial Generosity.MC-236026102-1

[feature_headline type=”left” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]So if you are coming to me, and you don’t already know how to “attract Sugar Daddy’s” whether online or in-person in a reliable, predictable, repeatable way…[/feature_headline]That’s pretty much the only thing I’m going to teach you – no matter what you say you want to learn.

It’s because “Attracting Sugar Daddy’s” is *THE* Foundational thing to the success of any Sugar Baby.  Don’t overwhelm yourself trying to learn how to ask for what you want, how to get an allowance, how to sustain the relationship, how to get a Sugar Daddy to provide x-y-z because you want those bills paid to be debt free, those trips you would like to take to explore a world outside of the one you know, that tuition paid, that funding needed to startup your business, and those shopping sprees that will make your closet blush from all that spoiling…any of that… because NONE Of Those Things Work Without SUGAR DADDY’S.  

[feature_headline type=”left” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]However, if you’re coming to me and you’re already attracting Sugar Daddy’s and are going out on dates…[/feature_headline]Then we will focus on your conversions with guiding the Sugar Daddy to take ACTION.

[feature_headline type=”left” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]If you are in a relationship and you are seeking MORE of what you are already receiving…[/feature_headline]I’ll help you understand how to Build Wealth to be Financially Independent and also helping you find an “Exit Strategy!”

It doesn’t matter what level you’re at… it doesn’t matter if you are a complete Newbie to this lifestyle, it doesn’t matter if you feel as though you aren’t the right shade…it doesn’t matter if you do not have super model looks… it doesn’t matter if you are not the younger beauty you once were…

AS LONG AS YOU WANT TO ATTRACT THE RIGHT SUGAR DADDY VIA THE SUGAR BABY WAY and LIVE the Lifestyle you DESIRE, wanting to be treated as the Woman YOU are WORTH, and you want to build WEALTH THROUGH Your Relationships…then we can talk.

In other words, I’m not going to teach you to sign up to a Sugar Daddy dating site and wish for the best…

Teaching others what I learned the hard way is my life’s passion and my real-life experinces helps you position yourself to attract Sugar Daddy’s, finding the right words to get noticed, get what you want, and get Sugar Daddy’s excited about providing his financial generosity. By using Sugar Daddy persuasion in your communications, on your profiles, in-person, and in your interactions with Sugar Daddy’s.

I do 1:1 consulting and I also have self-study programs… and I am launching a Sugar Baby Network soon.

My clients range from lawyers, CEOs and mothers to ex-wives of professional athletes, and college students. I cater to an Elite Sugar Baby, one who wants to use her brain, not just her looks, to get what she wants.

If you’re a brand spankin’ Newbie at this whole Sugar Baby stuff… Usually the best place for you to start is with the foundational things in my self-study program or just pick up a copy of one of my books.

If you want to hit the ground running and save yourself from months and years with trial and error by working with me keep reading…

I’m going to give you a big ‘ol run down of who is a perfect fit to work with me and what type of results you can expect…

Alright… here goes…

[feature_headline type=”left” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]The best clients for me… are Sugars ready to take it to the next level with an ACTION-KICKIN’ mindset…[/feature_headline]you’re not afraid or stuck with ‘weird feelings’ about pursuing this lifestyle…you actually WANT TO Upgrade your Lifestyle…

You know that you want to be in a better place than where you are, you are driven, you have goals… but you just need some outside perspective, some focus and some mega strategies to make it happen….

You know WHERE you want to be and you want STRATEGIES and STEPS that you will follow WITH VIGOR to get yourself there…

[feature_headline type=”left” level=”h5″ looks_like=”h5″][icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach that will take your mediocre profile and get Sugar Daddy’s Responding…

[icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach that will help you effectively communicate your Wants And Actually Get It…

[icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach that Strategize your Sugar Baby Game Plan and help you Implement so that you can deploy, and then repeat over and over again…

[icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach that will take you by the hand and step-by-step to effectively making this lifestyle work for you…and you don’t have to be the right age, the right shade, or have supermodel looks to make it work…

[icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach that will TEACH you how to FISH, and Evolve yourself to the NEXT Level…

[icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach that shows you how to leverage Sugar Daddy dating sites to INCREASE your Success by using them…

[icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach that helps you Sustain the Relationship with your Sugar Daddy to have him keep coming back for more (one-time dates: BEGONE!)…

[icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach that Builds Your WEALTH Through Your Relationships Using Your Sugar Daddy’s Financial Generosity for Sugar Baby Financial Independence (No more jumping from different Sugar Daddy’s like your living paycheck to paycheck)…

[icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach that helps you PLAN your Sugar Baby EXIT Strategy…

[icon type="check-square-o"]I am the coach who gets you RESULTS![/feature_headline]

You have a lifestyle you want to live.

You are READY but not sure on the direction to take or where to go. You might be stagnant and stuck.

You are READY to hit the ground running and Upgrade Your Lifestyle to Live it Like You Want…or find and fix holes in it to get a BETTER RESULT… or change THE WAY you have been going about this lifestyle because you are tired of pay-per-play encounters…

Nobody gets better by doing it alone. Even the best of the best have coaches of their own.

If you’re one of the ones that are in a wishy-washy phase, not ready to pull-the trigger, just trying to soak up all the free information you can get, or asking any and everyone your questions to get you the lifestyle you want…

Well, if you already know all there is to know, why don’t you have the outcome you want?

If you scoured the web seeking free information and asking everyone on Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter, why don’t you have the outcome you want?

If you joined a Sugar Daddy dating site expecting the dating site to connect you, why don’t you have the Sugar Daddy you want?

If you gone to Sugar Parties with a room filled tsunami of Sugar Babies, why don’t you have the Sugar Daddy you want?

[feature_headline type=”center” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]If something’s not working for you, maybe it’s because you haven’t figured out how to do it right.[/feature_headline]

Why spend one more second stressing and guessing?

My point is this: if you’re willing, you can create the life you want and build the right relationships to accelerate your success and financial freedom!

I wasn’t born with a silver spoon, and I’m not a Victoria Secret Model or Playboy Bunny. I made this work, and I helped others achieve the results they wanted.

I know you can do this—but you need more than just a Sugar Daddy dating site where you just let your profile sit there, expecting your life to change.

You need to do more than just lurking on social media sites hoping to find some information that will change your situation.

You need someone who will walk with you and stay by your side until you can do it for yourself. I’m here.

Look, I’m not going to be around forever.

My Sugar Sister, I am cheering for the life you want! I am standing for you. I believe in you. Do you?

Do you believe that if you had a proven system and a guide, you could transform your lifestyle from struggle to not just living in your Sugar Daddy’s world but making it your own?

Then prove it. Prove it to yourself. Invest in YOURSELF. If you don’t who will.

Live your best life NOW or stay imprisoned in relationships where you feel less of a woman and having to pick up the load because you are having to do it all yourself: Choose.

Wouldn’t it be great to transform yourself into the kind of woman who can nurture relationships to your advantage? Would that be life changing in itself?

How much is that worth to you? To live the life, you envision. I’m sure it would be priceless and worth striving for.

Just implementing one strategy will more than recoup any investment you make with me.

You can spend the next 3 months reading random blog posts and watching YouTube videos, gawking over images of what other Sugars have or are boasting about.

Or we can work together to get you RESULTS.

Get Psyched. Because After Me, Your Lifestyle As You Know It Will Never Be The Same.

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Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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