The Direction of Desire: Everything to Do on Your Sugar-Daddy Date

Category : SB Basics

When you’re about to go on your Sugar Daddy date, you might feel more than a little nervous – in fact, you might be breaking out into a cold sweat! After all, there are so many things you need to concentrate on: from keeping your composure to making him laugh, he’s looking to you for an emotional and physical connection…

…And it’s up to you to not only establish it, but maintain it.
So what are the things you should be doing on your Sugar Daddy date?

  • Ask him about the one place he’s visited that he’s been dying to go back to. For example, if he had a fantastic study abroad experience in Italy, ask him more about it. Reliving fun memories will make him associate great feelings with you.

  • Prepare a few funny stories before you head out on your date. If you’re nervous about your ability to tell it, practice in front of a mirror or on a friend who will give you her honest opinion. You want to make sure you can really deliver a joke before you tell it! Remember even if you blow it he will still give you points for trying to share and entertain him.
  • Ask him if he could have any other career besides the one he currently has, what would it be? You can take the lead here. For example, if you’ve always wanted to be a female Indiana Jones or a librarian at an old European university, share this dream with him. He’ll love getting to know more about you, and your Sugar Daddy will reveal a great deal about his own personality to you.
  • Finally, share a vulnerable experience with him. Don’t share something that’s too personal (like relationship issues), but being vulnerable will make him want to be protective of you.
  • Talk about your other businesses or projects and ask his help as a mentor. Most guys love to give their opinion. After all remember the more he talks the more you learn and the smarter you look to him.
    These are the things you should be doing on your Sugar Daddy date – so study up on these steps to ensure your Sugar Baby success.

Do you have any pre-date rituals you use before you meet up with your Sugar Daddy?

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Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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