The Girl that Gets It All: The Seductive Sugar Baby

Category : SD Seduction

When it comes to the seductive Sugar Baby character, most of us understand that certain actions on our part will have a pleasing and sensuous effect on our ideal Sugar Daddy. The problem, however, is that we’re generally too self-absorbed: we think more about what we want from our Sugar Daddies, rather than on what they could want from us.

This certainly isn’t the way to achieve your seductive Sugar Baby character, as your Sugar Daddy will certainly pick up on the fact that you’re more focused on yourself. Additionally, depending on your looks to seduce your Sugar Daddy won’t work over the long-term; after all, there are plenty of gorgeous women out there who are looking to snap up a wealthy and powerful man.
If you want to develop your seductive Sugar Baby character, don’t rush it by buying low-cut tops and piling on the make-up. Becoming as seductive as possible takes time – and the longer it takes, the deeper you’ll penetrate into the mind of your Sugar Daddy.

Also, be sure to maintain an air of mystery when meeting up with your Sugar Daddy. There is a natural tendency in Sugar Daddy relationships to become so familiar that boredom and stagnation set in – and this will cause your Sugar Daddy to take off and search for someone new. It’s no exaggeration to say that mystery is the lifeblood of being a seductive Sugar Baby – and to maintain it, you have to constantly surprise your Sugar Daddy. Pay attention to what he likes and give him little gifts. Let him know that you’re a woman with a successful career and great personal life – but don’t give away too many details.
Do this, and he’ll be craving more of your seductive Sugar Baby character for months – even years – to come!
What are your best seductive moves? Do you consider yourself to be seductive?

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Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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