The Sugar Baby Chameleon (Become His Desire)

The Sugar Baby Chameleon (Become His Desire)

“I’ve gotten cars, houses from these guys,  just because I’ve made them feel a certain way that they hadn’t felt in a very long time. Figure out how to get into the minds of these guys and really build off of that. That’s what’s going to get you more than you would ever get just by asking. When you give them this feeling that they can’t get without you.” SB Katie

Do you know your role as a Sugar Baby?

Do you know how to become who he desires and wants?

You might not know how to play your position.

This Sugar does.

Meet Katie.

Katie is a single mom who found her way in the Sugar Bowl. Tune in as she shares her secrets by using the right bait to hook Sugar Daddy’s (so you can too).

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Top Sugars Don’t Play For Small Potatoes. Level Up With Us.

We help you Sugar Smarter. Every month, we facilitate conversations and events around a central theme in SUBE. The next one coming up is Fulfilling the Void: How to identify your Sugar Daddy’s deepest desire (and why this pays off). Perhaps you’ll join us. Click here and see if we are the right community for you and take on the Sugar Bowl with confidence —you’re supported.

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Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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