When It Feels Right, He’ll Make the Move: Making the Relationship Official

You’ve been on several dates with your Sugar Daddy. You’re more than confident that he’s head over heels for you – and you can’t deny that you’re feeling the same way about him. Here’s given you several gifts, and you’ve shared wonderful dates together.

So when it comes to growing the Sugar Daddy relationship, how can you make it more official?

The truth is that it’s not the Sugar Baby’s place to make the relationship “official”, as when it feels right, he will be the first one to make the move. But that doesn’t mean you can’t influence him to make the relationship official…

…And these are the subtle but effective tips you need to get it done!

  • • Don’t rush it too much. Like any relationship with a man, you can’t put things on high-speed. Instead, you need to give the Sugar Daddy relationship some time for it to come to full fruition. To help him along, maintain that air of mystery that Sugar Daddies crave, always have a genuine smile on your face when you see him, and be sure to do thoughtful things for him that will deeply touch him.
  • • Always hug him whenever possible. Sure, this sounds like weird advice – especially when you could do so much more than hugging – but it’s a comforting gesture that shows him you care on a level that’s deeper than physical intimacy.
  • • Learn what he likes in public versus what he likes behind closed doors. Listen to him intently and let him know that he can trust you. He’ll start opening up to you more – and that will make him more willing to make the relationship official.

Trust that when it feels right, he will do it – and just enjoy yourself along the way!
How do you know when you’re ready to make your relationship with your Sugar Daddy official?

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Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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