The Arrangement Repitch & Upping Your Game with Social Etiquette

The Arrangement Repitch & Upping Your Game with Social Etiquette

Did you tell him what you were looking for and he ran in the other direction or ended up with crickets?

It happened to Halle (a.k.a Ana).

On her first date she told him what she was looking for. And the desired number she was hoping someone would provide was $5,000.

…He was taken back and said straight away, “too much” of what she had asked for.

And she responded back with “4K?”

Ana was met with, “NO”.

She asked, what are you thinking? I could be ok with 3K, but I’m used to more.

(Although it wasn’t true, she was looking to start somewhere.)

He said he had to leave and will think about it.

Before the day was over, he was in her inbox saying,

It was lovely to meet you today – thank you for making time. Unfortunately, what you are looking for is far above what I’m comfortable with, but I wish you all the very best in your search.


Ana tried to stay positive.

It took six words to change her situation around that led to another date in which she re-pitched the relationship and ended up with a monthly allowance.

I caught up with Ana so that she can share her experience with you.

And if there was such a thing as Sugar Etiquette.

My special guest has mastered it.

Tune in to hear these six words that could be the difference of having a Sugar Daddy vs ending up in a ghost town.

And we will be discussing how social etiquette and grace can raise your game.

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Access Awkward Silence to Big Time Finance (Sugar Scripts Collection):

With the Sugar Scripts Collection, you’ll have 130+ scripts to choose from. This collection is designed to help you express yourself smoothly and strategically. Because if he’s not talking, he’s not giving.

From conversation starters to qualifiers, you’ll find it easy to move the conversation along organically. The big questions (what are you seeking?) won’t leave you tongue tied because you’ll know exactly what to say and how to say it. Conversation derail or go silent? Pull from my repair scripts. Sugar Daddy slow to commit? Refer to my phrase bank and engage the power of persuasion.  Wanting to segue the conversation from give each time I see you (PPM) to a monthly? Swipe a script to position yourself with getting it.

And to maintain their potency, only 100 copies of this collection will be distributed.

Download the scripts. Because ???


SUBE Society

You might be going about this alone and trying to get answers to questions you can’t just Google. Join us in a network of shared knowledge and support that provides you with answers. In the SUBE Society (Sugars United through Beneficial Encounters). WE don’t just offer support. We have accountability. And leveling up together.

Perhaps you’ll join us. Click here and see if we are the right community for you and take on the Sugar Bowl with confidence —you’re supported.

Author Image

Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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