Does He Make the Grade?: How to Test Your Sugar Daddy without Losing Him

For many sugar babies, it can be difficult to determine just what their sugar daddies are prepared to do for them. So if you’re curious to see how far your sugar daddy will really go for you, then why not set up a little test for him?

To test your sugar daddy without losing him, use smaller requests rather than grander gestures. While that weekend getaway to a five-star Mexican resort might sound nice, you’re better off asking for something smaller if you want to determine just how far he’ll go for you. That way, he won’t realize that you’re testing him – and you won’t have to deal with a sugar daddy who’s so angry that he wants to leave you!

Try asking him for a small raise in your allowance, or ask if he can cover an unexpected bill for you. The way you conduct yourself while making this request will ultimately determine the success of your request. If you think that taking off your clothes will guarantee that he’ll say yes, then think again: it severely limits your sugar daddy’s desire to do more for you. Additionally, it can undercut your sugar daddy’s respect for you. A sugar baby should never equate sex with getting more things – after all, that’s heading into escort territory!

Instead, appeal to his emotional and intellectual side. Ask calmly and politely and ask like you expect him to say yes; if he says no, don’t pout. It might be time to find another sugar daddy to supplement your extra expenses – or a new sugar daddy who’s willing to do more for you!

Every Sugar Baby wants to know how far her Sugar Daddy will go for her – so what do you do to “test” your Sugar Daddy? How did he react?

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Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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