How Sugars are Approaching COVID-19 & Meet Kennedy

How Sugars are Approaching COVID-19 & Meet Kennedy

The Sugar who can pivot can create unlimited opportunities.

This is going to be mythical, like a Sugar Daddy Unicorn.

And I have someone I want you to meet.

But first I’ve been predicting this for a long time, in part because I’m a creepy Sugar Monster, but also in part because I’ve been watching how women Sugar Daddy date carefully for ages (over a decade + add a few years), and I saw the direction it was going: words are the currency of your lifestyle (it’s the fuel) —and Sugars need more fuel now than ever.

Now, that prediction has just been accelerated by 100,000,000%.

Now that we’ve all been forced into one giant room online, all dating/freestyling is happening online with the exception of running into someone while you are out getting the essentials: which means that Sugars need to get much better at leveraging how they attract someone online (NOT focusing solely on just Sugar Daddy dating sites or even dating sites).

The other week I asked my subscribers how is the current situation affecting their Sugaring and what changes they have made as a result.

SO ALAS, I’ve compiled the responses and even shared a few of mine because:

(a) For my Sugars who are still active out there seeking their Sugar Daddy, your lifestyle is about to take off.

(b) For my Sugars who took a step back and non-Sugars out there—by which I mean any Sugar Baby who isn’t active (because priorities) and women who doesn’t fashion themselves as a Sugar Baby but seeking to attract higher caliber of suitors, benefactors, or sponsors because they are done with mediocre relationships—your lifestyle is about to take off, too…so long as you learn how to attract your desired relationships.

Right now, there is no in-person schmoozing and networking going on. There are no restaurants or hotels or [insert that place you are no longer going to at the moment] you can use to scope out potential prospects.

There are no freestyling happening OUTSIDE of the internet, right now. And Sugar Daddy dating sites are being flooded with lots of chattertainment and scammers.

So the only way that anyone is going to stand out right now?

Is because of words on a screen and your visual perception (and of course having a better vetting system).

I want to share with you what other Sugars are doing, and I want you to meet our SugarSister Kennedy too.

Kennedy got married, focused on her marriage, and was raising her kiddos. Yet found herself divorced in her 40’s and needed to find a way to work that would yield the maximum benefits.

Enter: Sugar Daddy dating and how it saved her.

We discussed…

  • Why having the right mindset is KEY,
  • The Kennedy Standard,
  • Why details matter and how to make them work for you,
  • Why asking for more is vital,
  • How to leave room to negotiate and still come out on top,
  • What canceling your date can do for you (mic drop moment) when dealing with a certain type of Sugar Daddy,
  • And I shared how other Sugars are approaching Sugaring during this time along with my clients!

Ready for some Sugar Inspiration and Strategies & Tactics you can swipe? Oh yes you are. You just have to click the play button icon thingy below.

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Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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