Sugar Baby Wealthy Mindset

Sugar Baby Wealthy Mindset

How to Change Your Relationship with Money

“Whatever your dreams (goals), whatever your reality (starting point), whatever challenges (motivations) you face along the way – you can take charge of your money and truly own your life.” Helen Ngo, CFP

Do you find it hard to talk about money let alone asking for it.

Money is a complicated topic.

Most of us tend to feel uncomfortable talking about it and it feels like there’s this unspoken rule that we shouldn’t. And so,we don’t. Which makes it hard to ask for money to begin with.

Yet we can spend hours thinking of ways to have more money and that includes seeking out a Sugar Daddy and we may not give much thought to how we relate to it.

But when you pay attention to your relationship with money you can gain some important insights into yourself and also how you navigate this lifestyle.

I’m sharing the discussion we had inside the SUBE Society (Sugars United through Beneficial Encounters) with Helen Ngo, Certified Financial Planner and founder & CEO of Capital Benchmark Partners as we discussed the Sugar Baby Wealthy Mindset and how to evolve our relationship with money.

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Taylor B. Jones

I’m a Sugar Baby strategist, profile writer and educator on all things Sugar Daddy dating - attracting him, asking for what you want (or more of it, until you’re building wealth and expanding opportunity).

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